
About me

I'm 23 years old and originally from Belgium, though I have lived and studied for four years in the UK and for two years in the United States. I love to travel and see new places and though I can't drive a car due to severe issues with my eyesight, I get to do so fairly often. Some of my favorite cities include London, Berlin and New York City.

I hope to get a PhD in film history at some point in the near future and am a bit of a visual culture nerd in general. I love old movies and stars such as Norma Shearer, Ingrid Bergman, Barbara Stanwyck and the like, and I love old movie magazines as well - which has inspired the Daily Photoplay feature on this blog, of course. The entire consumer culture surrounding early cinema and the star system never fails to fascinate me.

In this blog, I also hope to document at least some elements of my journey to convert to Judaism. It's something near to my heart that I have aspired to for a very long time - only now, however, am I actually taking steps toward making it a reality.